P-06-1359 Offer Welsh working parents the same financial support for childcare as England, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 29.11.23


Good morning, 


Mrs Morgan has quoted the  evaluation of Childcare Offer statistics, but an independent more representative study has recently been conducted by Oxfam Cymru and found that -



The  findings concluded that the current system is pushing children in Wales into poverty. So the flying start scheme is not working in lifting children out of poverty. This is a crisis in itself and it is outstanding that the majority of parents are telling the Welsh Government this scheme is not working and we’re being ignored. 



Mrs Morgan states “Focusing resources on our most disadvantaged communities, in the first instance, ensures that support reaches families in greatest need at the earliest opportunity” which is factually incorrect. When Flying Start was first introduced it did, but the extension of flying start through a postcode lottery role out has meant that families who are not classed as disadvantaged eligible for the funding, leaving other families facing deprivation without access. In my last response I quoted specific areas highlighting where this has happened.


The figures regarding the consequential would allow every 2 year old in wales to access 12.5 hours so why are they still selecting which children they want to help? It would be more beneficial to give parents the 12.5 hours and allow them to spend it wherever is best for their children, I.e childminders, non flying start settings, flying start settings. I know there’s


Once again it’s also being claimed Flying Start is expected to provide higher quality care. In my last response I explained why this is unfair and had quotes from a childcare provider also explaining why this is a further barrier for both childcare providers and users. I also explained that flying start settings may not be the best fit for the individual child, it’s up to the parent to decide where the best fit is. This has not been addressed yet. 


In fact, none of my points have been addressed or questions have been answered. With that in mind can you please include this response in addition to my previous response as that still stands? 


Many thanks 
